5 Tips to Finding a Winning Care Team During Your Pregnancy and Postpartum Journey.

  • Whether you are navigating pregnancy, birth, postpartum recovery, hernia repair, or abdominoplasty finding the right providers in the medical system can be very overwhelming.

  • Meeting with a doctor, physical therapist, specialist, or surgeon can feel intimidating.

  • It is my hope that these tips help you prepare for your appointment so you can advocate for yourself and leave feeling empowered rather than blindsided or hopeless.

1) Find clarity before going in for a consultation/interview/appointment. What is your main concern/reason for seeking care? What are your goals? Write them down before you go!

2) Research what questions to ask and the details of the procedure before the appointment. There are many online professionals that provide enough free content to help you start your list. Take the time to do some digging around!

3) Bring the list of questions with you along with a pen or smartphone to take notes. YOU are interviewing THEM to see if it's a right fit, so ask them to clarify if you don’t understand. And, most importantly, ask THEM if they understand your goals.

4) Plan on how to address the additional questions you’ll have later. Do not expect one visit to leave you feeling completely satisfied and plan for more questions to arise as you process everything. 
Here is a great question a social worker shared with me: “I have more questions that didn’t get addressed and I know more will come up. How can we best discuss these moving forward?” Write this down so you can say it word for word!

5) Finally, it is exhausting advocating for yourself but don’t settle! Take those goals and questions to a few different professionals to get various perspectives and see who you connect with the best. This data collection is a very important part of the process when building your team. 

Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help during this process. 
You can book a free 15 minute call by clicking here


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