5 things that will ACTUALLY happen when doing a Diastasis Recti program.  

We see Diastasis programs everywhere!

4, 6, or 12 weeks promises to “heal” your postpartum core can be found anywhere you look.

However, if a program promises a flat stomach and/or uses safe/unsafe language surrounding core exercises, then it might be time to look into other options. 

Given that you’ve found a quality program, here is what you can REALLY expect in 4 -12 weeks. 

  1. Your belly might not look much different. 

The way your belly looks after having a baby is multi-faceted. How long postpartum, the way your diastasis presents, the amount of skin & fat, and many other factors contribute to this. It is impossible for any program, especially one that is not individualized to your specific needs, to “fix” all of these things. Do not buy any program with the hopes of changing the way you look. Buy a program to begin the journey of feeling stronger and more connected to your body postpartum. You might experience aesthetic changes along the way or you might not. 

  1. Your Diastasis might not limit you in the ways you might think.

After growing a baby in your belly for 9 months, we can become disconnected to that area of our body. And now, with so much fear surrounding diastasis, you may have avoided your core for a long time. Once we begin connecting back to that area, you may feel stronger, not only in your core, but your whole body. You also might be surprised to find progressions back to movements like sit-ups and other core exercises that are often deemed as “unsafe”  for diastasis.

  1. Some of the workouts might be more mental work than physical. 

The initial steps towards feeling stronger in your core postpartum aren’t super fun or sexy. However, laying the foundation so you can progress back to the movements you love is the first step of the process. This foundation often includes the breath work and gentle movements to connect your brain with your core. At first, this can feel frustrating and sometimes it might feel hard to get motivated. However, this is an important part of the process; and I promise you won’t always have to think so much about your movement, breathing, and core if you put in the work in the beginning. 

  1. You might be surprised how tense your body is throughout your day.

Part of doing a core program postpartum is also learning how to relax your belly. Many women are surprised by this as they are often taught they should try to engage more throughout the day to get stronger and “heal.” Additionally, after having a baby we are constantly sucking in our tummies because we feel weak and/or self conscious about a distended belly. Letting go of these habits takes some practice and guidance, but can help you feel so much better overall. Sometimes you need to relax to get stronger!

  1. You might need more help after the 4, 6, 12 weeks is over. 

While you might feel better than when you started the program, you may also feel confused or lost on how to get back to the specific fitness that you enjoy and/or higher level athletics. If that is the case, finding a pregnancy and postpartum athleticism coach like myself and/or pelvic floor physical therapist that understands the demands of your particular sport will be key. 

Feeling like you need better guidance?

Click Here to email me to set up a 15 minute call! We will discuss your particular questions and explore what working together might look like!


  1. This is the best information I have ever read about a diastasis recti program anywhere!!!! You are amazing Lisa and dropping much needed truth bombs!


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