
Showing posts from January, 2018

On a Tuesday.

Normally on Tuesdays I go to my parents. I drop off Dean, take Chase to swim, come back to their house, and then go to CrossFit. My dad had a little tummy bug so we didn’t go over there today, which meant I brought Dean with me to swim class. I figured it would be good because starting next week, he is going to be taking class with me while Chase takes his class. I was bummed I couldn’t workout today but other than that it was a normal day. Every single day I repeat my gratitudes to myself that I have a supportive husband and a healthy family, even when I am the moodiest and crabbiest I can be. “Health is Wealth” - The Sisu Way - and that phrase is so dang true. However, this does not mean the overwhelming feeling we get as moms is something we should not acknowledge, discuss, or put out there on social media. We can keep it in perspective, of course, but we still need to talk about it. I think this is a big reason why women hide and feel ashamed of Postpartum Depression...

Collecting Data - First Plastic Surgeon Appointment Update!

I went to my first plastic surgeon appointment. What a ride. I am writing this blog as I am online ferociously messaging other moms in Michigan that had this surgery and are also CrossFitters. After searching all day, I finally found one other woman that doesn’t live that far from me!! She is also adding me to a DR support group that has other CrossFitters in there as well. Not one single person that I have talked to that had this surgery has used physical therapy before or afterwards, which blows my mind. If you think you are disconnected from your muscles after having a baby, imagine how confused your body will be after this surgery? And all of the scar tissue! Anyway, I am so beyond grateful that I have learned so much over these past few years so I can set myself up in the best way possible for this, and hope I can pay it forward to many other moms that are feeling lost like I used to feel. It is just more motivation to get my business going! It was just so weird for me to be...