Practice Brave
I had to take Chase to get his 4 year old shots yesterday. Oye. I am now convinced it is harder to take a 4 year old because they can say things to break your heart. Plus, I can’t stick a boob in his face and make it all better anymore. I told Chase that he was a brave boy while he was crying but he disagreed and said, "no, I am not a brave boy." So, after going through a few breathing exercises so he could actually talk, I made him say out loud that he, in fact, WAS a brave boy. When we were walking out I told him that when I was pregnant with both him and his brother I cried because I was so scared to have surgery. Chase replied with a surprised, “you did?!” I said, “yes, I did.” I told him that I was still brave even though I cried. And I was so happy I got the surgery because now I have you and De an. Being brave means doing something you might be scared to do, so crying is sometimes part of the process. Then I got to thinking….....