
Showing posts from December, 2019

Are you advocating for yourself enough?

Last week my client was telling me the story of her back pain. The first doctor scared the shit out of her. After that, she told me about how she had to push hard to find a team of professionals to help her. She got rid of her pain and found out there was no reason to be scared and it was not as serious as she was first told.  (Also, if anyone is struggling with chronic pain you need to check out Amy Eicher )  The problem is many people get caught in this first step because they are experiencing pain and/or panic, which doesn’t make advocating easy.   So, I want to provide some insight that I hope can help.  The medical world is segmented. It is rare for medical professionals in different specialties to work together as a team. This doesn’t mean they aren’t good professionals; it is just a disjointed system. So, this means that YOU need to be the dot connector and advocate for yourself.  YOU have to create your team because no one else will...